
Posts tagged with: Isaiah

A murky reflection in a puddle with debris.

The Unexpected Servant

The example of God’s Servant challenges me to look at many things, not with human eyes, but with divine insight. I can be easily impressed by power, fame, beauty, and wealth. I, along with most human beings, tend to look for leaders—even Christian leaders—who shine with human glory… Isaiah reminds us to look, not for glitz, but for the gospel.

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People walking along a peaceful and majestic mountain ridge.

Great News! God Reigns!

In Jesus, God has come to reign on the earth. Though the fullness of the kingdom is still to come, when we put our faith in Jesus, we begin even now to experience the peace, justice, and power of God’s reign. The good news we embrace as Christians is not only that we get to “go to Heaven” after we die, but also that we can begin to experience Heaven now.

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An empty coffee cup.

Drink the Cup, Not of Judgment, But of Salvation

Because Jesus drank the cup of divine judgment, he is able to offer us a different cup… Jesus drank our cup of judgment so that we might drink his cup of salvation. Thus we live each day, not in fear of God’s condemnation, but in gratitude for God’s grace in Christ.

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A person with the expression of worry and fear.

Living Without Fear

Do you ever find yourself gripped by fear? Are there times when your anxiety seems to devour your spirit?… Do you know this experience? I confess that I do. I’ve been a worrier since I was a child. And though I have certainly known the peace of God that passes all understanding, there are times when worry strangles my soul.

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A puppy sleeping joyfully in the arms of a rescuer.

Everlasting Joy!

As I reflect on this passage from Isaiah today, I find myself yearning for what it promises. “Everlasting joy!” Overwhelming “gladness and joy!” The end of “sorrow and sighing!” This is not to say I am personally in a place of deep sadness today. But not far away are those who live with sorrow and sighing…

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A person with their eyes shut, contemplative, listening.

How Can I Hear from God?

How can I be more attentive to God’s voice? In part, this comes when I have extended time with the Lord in quiet and solitude. But it also happens as I gather with God’s people, where the gifts of the Spirit are active… I’m listening for the voice of God, so that I might believe and obey.

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An ariel view of a person feeling abandoned and forgotten as they lay in a clearing of intersecting paths among trees.

I Will Not Forget You!

When we go through seasons of suffering, it can seem as if God has forgotten us. We cry out to God in our prayers, but they seem to echo unheard in an empty universe. We look for signs of God’s grace, but we just can’t find them. In these times, we hold on tight to the promises of Scripture.

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A sepia image of a person walking out of a tunnel into light.

A Shocking and Inspiring Revelation

Like Israel, we are to be a channel of God’s grace to the world, beginning with our neighbor across the street or the woman who works in the office next to us. For us, it is “too light a thing” merely to enjoy our own salvation. Rather, we are reflections and expressions of God’s salvation throughout the world, wherever we are.

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Working hard, knowing that it could topple at any moment, like in the game of Jenga.

When Your Work Seems to Be in Vain

There are many times in life when our labor seems to be in vain. We can’t see the value of our work. We can feel discouraged and hopeless. In these times, like Israel, we find peace and hope when we entrust our efforts to God. Rather than focusing on what has gone wrong, we present ourselves and our work to God as worship.

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A guide book from real experts on the best way to live.

God Wants the Best For You

When we walk in God’s ways, God’s work is done through us, not just in our “religious activities,” but in all we do. God is honored and glorified through our obedience and through the fruit of our labors. But when God teaches us, and when we follow his instruction, we benefit as well.

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A person uncomfortable from being refined and needing to refocus.

How God Refines Us

Suffering has a way of refocusing our minds and hearts. When we’re in pain, be it physical, emotional, or relational, we stop caring about little things that don’t matter. Our hearts yearn for what is truly important: the love of family and friends, the assurance that life has meaning, justice for all people, and, the transformational peace of God.

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A person using strength as another strives over a lookout towards the clouds.

The Lord of the Armies is with Us

The bulk of Isaiah 47 consists of God’s taunting condemnation of Babylon. But verse 4 is an interjection by the prophet, speaking on behalf of Israel: “Our Redeemer—the LORD Almighty is his name—is the Holy One of Israel.”

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Memorial remembering God's people in Europe.

Remember the Former Things

Throughout the Bible, God’s people are called to remembrance. We are to bring to mind God’s wondrous works in the past so that our faith might be renewed in the present… For Christians, the focal point of our remembrance is the cross, by which God delivered us from slavery to sin and death.

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An American football player kneeling in prayer on a field bench.

Worship the Lord with All You Are, in Every Part of Life

We worship the triune God through bowing before him, offering our whole lives to him in humble worship. This worship happens not just in church, but in the world, as we serve the Lord each day, at work and at home, in our jobs and our hobbies, among our neighbors and our friends.

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Sculpture of a child in the cradled hand of God.

You Are God’s Handiwork

In the context of Isaiah, God is the potter and Israel is the clay. God is molding Israel according to his plans and purposes. What was once true of Israel is also true of us. God is the potter and we are his clay. He is in the process of shaping us, so that we might be everything he has created us to be.

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